RI- Addressing Stimulant Use Disorders
Prevention, Harm Reduction, and Recovery “A Multif ...
Prevention, Harm Reduction, and Recovery “A Multifaceted Approach for Marginalized Populations with Stimulant Use Disorder”-Final
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The document titled "Prevention, Harm Reduction, and Recovery: A Multifaceted Approach for Marginalized Populations with Stimulant Use Disorder" discusses the efforts of the SAMHSA-funded Opioid Response Network (ORN) to provide resources and technical assistance for addressing the opioid crisis and stimulant use within communities. The emphasis is on evidence-based approaches for prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery. The ORN offers education, training, and expert consultants to support these efforts at the local level.<br /><br />Key components of the approach include identifying social, economic, and cultural factors contributing to stimulant use disorders in marginalized populations, the role of peer support and mentorship, and the importance of integrated care models. Opportunities for peer support, prevention through education and peer-led programs, harm reduction strategies such as needle exchange programs, and recovery support services are highlighted.<br /><br />Cultural competence, holistic care addressing root causes, individualized treatment plans, improved outcomes through enhanced coordination, and reduced health disparities are emphasized. It stresses the importance of community engagement, empowerment, and self-advocacy in achieving sustainable recovery and well-being.<br /><br />In conclusion, the document emphasizes the importance of designing tailored approaches for marginalized communities to promote holistic, person-centered care and improve outcomes for individuals affected by stimulant use disorders. Additional resources for training, prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction are provided for further support and information.
Harm Reduction
Marginalized Populations
Stimulant Use Disorder
Opioid Response Network
Peer Support
Integrated Care Models
Cultural Competence
The content on this site is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 and grant no. 1H79TI085588 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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