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Mutual-Help and Related Clinical Interventions
SUD 101 Core Curriculum Overview

Curriculum overview:  While healthcare professionals are often on the front lines of treating substance use disorders, most have limited (if any) training in this area. The SUD 101 Core Curriculum was created to provide a foundation of the current research, resources, and support needed to increase healthcare professionals’ competence and confidence in the care of their patients across the continuum of care. This activity, Mutual-Help and Related Clinical Interventions, is part of the 23-module curriculum. Please see below for a summary of module 10 out of 23:
Module 10 Overview
Title: Mutual-Help and Related Clinical Interventions  

John F. Kelly, Ph.D., Elizabeth R. Spallin Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Director, MGH Recovery Research Institute

Module Description: Mutual-help organizations (MHOs) such as Alcoholic Anonymous, SMART Recovery, LifeRing and many others, are ubiquitous across the United States and are found in small, medium, and large cities. They can be a valuable addition to treatment plans and extend the reach of the clinician by providing their patients with ongoing paths to recovery via crucial sober social support that has been found to confer valuable relapse prevention skills. This presentation provides education about the origin, types, scope, and theoretical orientation of a variety of MHOs, including new evidence for their clinical and public health utility, as well as evidence on why they are so helpful. Examples of proven clinical strategies to enhance involvement with MHOs during and following treatment will be provided including for those patients taking medications. 

Availability: On-Demand
Access expires on Jan 12, 2026
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1.25 CME Credits
1.25 PA-CME Credits
1.25 Other Professionals Credits
1.25 Nursing Credits
1.25 Pharmacy Credits
1.25 IPCE Credits
The content on this site is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.

Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 and grant no. 1H79TI085588 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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