Presenter: Sarah Spencer, DO, ABAM; Candy Stockton, MD, FASAM; Annette Hubbard Case Manager/Peer Specialist
About: Overdose for people using opioids, stimulants and co-occurring use of stimulants and fentanyl are up more than 150 percent in Alaska in the last year, with Alaskan natives suffering triple rates of overdose deaths. New law changes have the potential to dramatically increase treatment access. This free training will provide on update on chronic opioid prescribing and tapering, discuss the basics of buprenorphine prescribing, utilizing buprenorphine in the hospital setting, discuss treating pregnant women with opioid use disorder (OUD), and look at integrating harm reduction into healthcare.Learning Objectives: • Review evidence-based pain treatments and the potential role opioids can play.• Explore strategies to reduce the potential harms of opioids.• Review epidemiology, diagnosis, assessment, and standard for care to treat OUD.• Review the pharmacology of buprenorphine.• Identify and treat opioid withdrawal in hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder.• Explain why ACOG, ASAM, and WHO all oppose detoxification for Opioid Use Disorder duringpregnancy.• Name the 2 FDA approved treatments for OUD during pregnancy.• Recognize why offering harm reduction services in healthcare settings is crucial