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6871-2 Improving Engagement with Youth in Treatment

Consultant: Dr. Sarah Bagley 

Dr. Sarah Bagley is a primary care physician at Boston Medical Center. A graduate of the Georgetown University School of Medicine, the Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency at Brown University, and the Boston University Addiction Medicine Fellowship, her particular research interests are in the treatment of opioid use disorders in the adolescent and young adult population and the involvement of the family in addiction care. She sees patients in both General Internal Medicine and the Adolescent Center. She is the Medical Director of the CATALYST (Center for Addiction Treatment for Adolescents/Young adults who use Substances) Clinic – a clinical program to provide integrated medical and behavioral health care for adolescents and young adults who use substances – and an Attending on the inpatient Addiction Consult Service.

Course Overview

Description: In this 60-minute session, participants will receive an overview of the best practices for optimizing engagement of youth in care for substance use and substance use disorder. Covered topics will include: digital apps, telehealth, inclusive language, impact of stigma, and working with families. There will be time at the end of the session for questions.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify two strategies to improve engagement of youth in care for substance use.
2. Describe the effect of stigmatizing language on adolescents who use substances and offer alternative, inclusive language choices
3. Describe two ways to provide trauma-informed care to adolescents impacted by substance use

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 Attendance Credit
The content on this site is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.

Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 and grant no. 1H79TI085588 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

8-Hour DEA Training Inquiries, email PCSS-MOUD.


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