Unit 3
Unit 3 Recording
Unit 3 Recording
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Video Transcription
This unit will cover technical assistance. First, we'll dive into the relationship between the ORN consultant, that's you, and the requester. ORN consultants work with ORN technology transfer specialists and support the requester in identifying and implementing evidence-based practices that will support the organization or individual in need. Consultants provide guidance and support to the requester, but should not do their work directly. This will empower the requester to carry out the evidence-based practice in the future. As such, consultation is limited to this transfer of knowledge and should not involve product development or creation of materials beyond those used for training. There are different levels of technical assistance. The TTS and requester will work collaboratively with you to determine what level is appropriate to meet the needs of the request. It will be taken into consideration where the requester's organization is at in their development and readiness. Technical assistance may involve a single training or series of trainings, all depending on the needs of the requester. Training should be developed with the specific needs of the requester and the community they serve in mind. Given this tailored approach, training materials will vary from request to request. Consultants should leverage resources from ORN's repository of materials as a foundation. ORN provides consultants with access to a comprehensive repository of materials and resources. All materials created and edited for trainings are reviewed by a vetting team to ensure ORN standards are being adhered to. All training materials are thoroughly vetted. In order to be approved, ORN ensures that materials utilize evidence-based practices, are relevant for the intended audience, feature inclusive language and visuals, and utilize necessary branding. At the end of a training, all participants are asked to provide feedback via a survey. Not only does this feedback inform future work, it is a requirement of SAMHSA. The consultant plays an important role in encouraging and securing survey completion. Don't forget to take the quiz before moving on to the next unit.
Video Summary
This unit covers the role of ORN consultants in providing technical assistance, focusing on collaboration with requesters and technology transfer specialists to implement evidence-based practices. Consultants guide requesters without doing their work, thereby empowering them for future application. Technical assistance levels vary based on the requester's organization's readiness and needs. Training is tailored, using ORN's repository of resources, with all materials vetted for ORN standards, evidence-based practices, and inclusivity. Participant feedback is gathered post-training per SAMHSA's requirements, with consultants playing a key role in ensuring survey completion. A quiz follows this unit.
ORN consultants
technical assistance
evidence-based practices
technology transfer
SAMHSA requirements
The content on this site is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 and grant no. 1H79TI085588 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
8-Hour DEA Training Inquiries, email
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