The Science and Practice of Treating Patients with ...
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Video Transcription
Good morning, everybody. I'm way back here. I don't want to miss anybody checking in. My name's Disa Weiss. I'm with the CME Department for Providence, Alaska. And we're very excited to have members of the Opioid Response Network up here for this education today. And I'm going to introduce Jan Schnellman, who's been coordinating with us. And she'll give you some introductions. We do have lunch is going to be catered at noon. We've also been informed that the workplace violence de-escalation training happening next door, they might scream on occasion. So don't get alarmed. I'll hand it over to you, Jan. Just make sure that mic's on. Can you hear me? Yeah. Well, I left my note somewhere else, so I'm going to wing it. But that's OK. Thank you, Disa, for having us and working with Dr. Spencer and I to bring this training to you. I'm with the Opioid Response Network. And we are a national SAMHSA grant that operates across all 50 states and US territories. I work in region 10, which is Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska. So we have a team of technical transfer specialists. And this is our grant. So we're available to provide education and training to support prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery of opioid use disorders and stimulant use disorders. There's more literature on the back table there about ORN. Anyone can make a request. So if you have a project that you'd like to get going or need more education about medication for opioid use disorder or anything in prevention, recovery, treatment, harm reduction, please go to our website and make a request. You can contact Opioid Response Network here. Or I'll leave some business cards on the table, too. And you're welcome to contact me. Here are our disclosure pages. We have some copies of this at the front desk and at the back table. Mostly, I want to let you know that we've been accredited for six Category 1 CMEs for this presentation. We're also qualifies for the MAT hours. So there's six hours toward the eight hours required for MAT. And we have, on your certificate for accreditation, there is noted that you have the two hours for the Alaska requirement for DEA education. So was that your question? Yeah, yeah, I mean, acronym. OK. I mean, something for DEA. You've got eight hours of information. So the six hours counts for that. Thank you. We also have credit for nurses, psychologists, excuse me, and other health professionals. So pardon me, to claim the credit is pretty easy. If you don't have an account with the provider, with PCSS, another acronym, you can create one using this link or the QR code. You have an account if you've taken any training through PCCS. If not, once you've made the request, you can go to the other link or QR code and fill out a short evaluation and get your certificate. So.
Video Summary
Disa Weiss from the CME Department at Providence, Alaska introduces Jan Schnellman from the Opioid Response Network, who provides education and training to support prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery of opioid and stimulant use disorders. The Opioid Response Network is a national SAMHSA grant operating across all 50 states and US territories. They offer CME credits, MAT hours, and accreditation for various health professionals. To request training or information, visit their website or contact them directly. Attendees can claim credits easily by creating an account or filling out an evaluation.
Disa Weiss
Jan Schnellman
CME Department
Opioid Response Network
SAMHSA grant
The content on this site is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.
Funding for this initiative was made possible by cooperative agreement no. 1H79TI086770 and grant no. 1H79TI085588 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
8-Hour DEA Training Inquiries, email
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